Here Are The Basic Steps For Getting Started With AppWright JobCenter:
First, choose an area of your business where it is clear that implementing a best practice for business process management would be beneficial.
Some examples might be a production process, a personnel or clerical process, a customer or sales-related function, etc. Anywhere that improving the flow of communication (whether it is documents, email messages, or to-do notices) is a candidate for applying AppWright JobCenter.
Next, create a template which contains the steps that should be followed in order to implement the desired business process for the selected area or function.
Some BPM tools refer to this step as process mapping; in AppWright JobCenter, process mapping is done by building what we call a job template – a series of steps that represent the business process to be implemented. Templates can be as simple or as elaborate as needed, consisting of only a handful of steps or hundreds of tasks; flexibility is one of the cornerstones of the system. For each task in a workflow template you can assign specific resources (people, places, things) that are needed or you can specify that these assignments get made when the template gets used to create an actual job. You can build workflow schedules that have a simple one-after-the-other task order or you can create complex critical-path and non-critical path multi-relationship dependencies between tasks along with optional items and task durations that are calculated based on variables. The key is that workflow templates can start with simple steps and later become as elaborate and powerful as you need them to be.
Create Data Entry Screens.
Most workflow templates also involve some amount of basic data-entry about the details of a job or function. You can also layout one or more job-information screens that will be connected with the new workflow template. You have complete control over the content, layout, and capability of these screens. Like the workflow templates, they can be as simple or as complex and powerful as needed to get the job done. AppWright’s screen designer allows you to create your own data elements (fields and columns), specify logical relationships between them, perform calculations, perform lookups and data validations, and even include links to non-AppWright systems. Once again, the power of the system is demonstrated in it’s unique flexibility.
Finally, you may want to create one or more reports to analyze or manage details about the new area.
Just like the workflow templates and job-information screens, reports can be as simple or as elaborate as necessary, containing complex sub-queries and calculations or simply listing data selected from the system. All reports have the ability to instantly download into Excel or text files, and reports can also have smart-links to pull up specific AppWright job information directly from a report screen.
Now, turn your new business process template loose on your team and use the built-in workflow management screens along with your reports to measure how well things are going. Adjust and tune your templates, screens, and reports to continuously improve performance until you are satisfied that things are moving as smoothly as possible. Like what you see? Pick another area of the business and do it all again…the possibilities are almost endless.